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The Criterion Collection: Moonrise

Surprise project, which do come more of ten than not, of a a gorgeously filmed classic noir by Frank Borzage I had never seen prior to taking this on. This I think, was back in the day when I'd get a burned dvd screener pos the film before it went through the restoration process, which I will henceforth call the "Criteriortron", so the copy of the film was fuzzy and hard to read overall. We didn't;t have a lot of time on this and happily the pieces I did do for it came together quickly- almost too quickly for my general liking. ( I always get suspicious when a plan comes together not he first go). This fact was made more nervous making for me when it was both nominated for and won the Gold Award in Advertising for Spectrum Fantastic Art. I wasn't at the ceremony but rumor has it I was represented by a single head of broccoli, which received the trophy with no small thanks to James Gurney for describing my bushy head mane as broccoli-headed and then perpetuated by everyone since... no codified forever in the presentation ceremony.

This also remains one of of the rare projects for which I only created what was called for... not due to any lack of enthusiasm for the project or the film, but due to deadline constraints elsewhere forcing me to be extremely concise while working on this one. Sometimes the plate gets too full, and 
while I never let that detract from he quality of the work I do for the crowded projects, I must sacrifice sometimes, the copious array of side work and studies executed for one. So to that I did my usual pasta tray of thumbnail sketches to submit to choose from knowing we'd only take two or so to completion fort this project. Sometimes the budget for the jacket design also limits how much art a project can sustain as well.

FINAL cover art
FINAL cover design
Final Interior art
Thumbnail sketch 1
Thumbnail sketch 2
Thumbnail sketch 3
Thumbnail sketch 4
Thumbnail sketch 5
Thumbnail sketch 6
Thumbnail sketch 7
Thumbnail sketch 8
Thumbnail sketch 9
Thumbnail sketch 10
Thumbnail sketch 11
Thumbnail sketch 12
Thumbnail sketch 13
Thumbnail sketch 14
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